How We Recover

You see healing happens inside of healthy relationships. Healing happens when we allow. Healing happens when we confront the “thing” that has been controlling our experience in life. When we purposely go straight at the thing that has been hurting us, and running our lives, when we look at it fiercely in the eyes and say “you don’t own me” . We change. We heal. We learn to love.

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Jennifer Lovely
Wind and Rain

I struggle with the Wind and the rain conversation, I avoid them, hint, hint, its why I wear ear pods, it’s the most obvious conversation to have, and I notice the breath that rises up from my root to calm my nerves as we begin to talk about it. It is actually one of the things that make me suffer. Wind and Rain is not something you would contribute to suffering but it reminds me of tipping your toes into cold water and then saying over in over again that it is cold.

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Jennifer Lovely