Celebrating 2021

Dear Ones,

Can you believe we are at the end of 2021 - It seems that I was celebrating 2020 in Sedona. Hallelujah! Hoping you are well.

As we come to the end of the year, I would love to have you look at your 2021 YEAR and distinguish and celebrate YOU!

As I look back on my year, I am grateful for my forever curiosity that keeps me in wonder for all the world, big and small, that it offers me. I am incredibly thankful for my ability to create and recreate.

I recreated a relationship that has long been dear to me and long fretted with uncertainty, and yet it was a big surprise when I called him and asked him to “Please Marry Me,” and he said after a pause, YES. While that was the crescendo of my year - I also developed and created my business more profoundly by remembering who I am. I remembered that I wanted to connect with clients with all of my heart deeply. While I may have spent most of my Life hiding my heart, this year was the year I deeply opened it to who I am and what I love, which is both movement/and coaching.

The other resounding win is my relationship with RylieMae ~ she is the girl I want to grow up to be...

Lessons from RylieMae:

No doesn’t mean Maybe it means NO!

I reserve the right to change my mind.

Wear Sunglasses.

Shoes are essential.

Stop and smell, sit in and pick the flowers.

Eat when you are hungry.

You must drink water.

There is much wisdom in the “Wheels on the Bus” song.

Blow kisses when you do not feel like hugging or kissing.

My deepest wish for every woman is to know how powerful she truly is AND that she has permission to be OK, even if everyone around her is NOT. Healing is a Life long journey and does not have to come at the expense of everything else - You can heal AND still create your Life.

While December is a month of stress and shopping and creating the impossible for all of your loved ones, and hoping the MAGIC of the holidays can continue until forever, I am focused on the Magic I made throughout the year AND choosing to NOT over-decorate or overspend OR..OR. OR..

A few things I have been journaling....

What are your words for 2021? { LOVE * CREATION * COURAGE }

What sensation did you feel most in 2021? { EASE }

What did you feel most in 2021? { JOY }



What do you want less of? { DEBTS AND UNNECESSARY BUSYNESS }

What do you want more of? { NATURE * DEEP INTIMACY * WONDER }

What did you let go of? { OLD HURTS * ANGER * FEAR }

What are you forgiving? { ME }


How do you want to feel? { CALM }

What do you wonder about for 2022? { HOW TO CONNECT MORE DEEPLY}

How can you serve without taking away from you? { LISTEN MORE }

Now that you know MY words, wants, desires, and more, I want to know YOURS?

As we allow the days to pass, I would be remiss if I did not tell you how each of you has touched my Life ~ you each have brought a new level of awareness to me, and my Life each of you touched me with how you trust me. I could never feel more honored that you allow me to walk through all of Life’s wonder, and heart breaks with you!

I bow to each of your courage!

2022 Retreats

Italy~ April 30-May 7 2022 ~ {All inclusive (except wine and outing expenses and airfare } $500 non-refundable deposit $3999.00

Locanda Cugnanello, our home-based retreat center, is an 800 years old fortified Tuscan villa, which has been fully restored and restructured to offer a luxurious environment for up to 25 people. The spacious indoor studio is a perfect space for yoga, meditation, and similar activities. All rooms are with private bathrooms. The saltwater swimming pool is situated in the relaxing garden area, surrounded by lavender fields and offering a breathtaking view. Guests can enjoy their meals either in the large dining room or outside, on the covered terrace. The kitchen provides healthy and delicious food, specially created for daily yoga but based on traditional Italian recipes. Once per week, pizza is prepared in the conventional Tuscan pizza oven. All around the building, there are cozy spaces to relax. Two gyms offer the opportunity for physical exercise. Massages are provided in a separate building on the property.

This was one of my favorite places ..the peacefulness, the quiet, the food, the joy!

Our retreat next year will be called “sourced within,” a nourishing retreat focused solely on “doing less” and “being more.” Because I am committed to more pleasure..more joy... if the pandemic taught me anything, it was that slowing down is the way…

Whidbey Island ~ June 2022 Four days of Resourcing * Wonder * Curiosity ~ A 6 bedroom estate that overlooks the Puget Sound on the beautiful Island of Whidbey.

***I work with six clients a year on RECLAIMING YOUR GRACE {six ONLY because I want to hold each of you in the space you deserve} which is about reclaiming who you were before Life got a hold of you. I have ONE spot left; if you would like to share me with any of your friends or family ~ I’d love to have a complimentary session with them to see if it is a fit.

Jennifer LovelyComment